Project Louvel – Motoped Tracker Build #1

I’m going to be honest. Even though a big chunk of this blog is about motorcycles and DIY, I don’t know jack about motorcycle mechanics. BUT. I’m hoping to change that. And the best way to learn a skill, is to put that skill to practical use.

Enter the Motoped.

What’s great about this is, years ago I went through a bicycle craze. I love riding. I taught myself how to assemble a bicycle. I love tuning and working on my bikes. And since the Motoped is 50% bicycle, I’m already half done in the knowledge department. Now I just need to learn about motorcycles. The engine, the carburetor, ignition wiring, and other goodies.

I searched high and low for other people’s Motoped builds online, however most builds I found are based off Motoped’s stock build. Other very nice custom builds I couldn’t seem to find a build thread for. (If anyone knows of any build threads, please feel free to share.) Since this is a blog primarily dedicated to DIY, I will try to document the build as best as I can. Hopefully if someone else goes searching the internet in the future for build ideas and knowledge, this whole journey could be of some help.


A real important part of any custom builds. What is it going to look like? I spent some time making a mediocre mock up sketch in Photoshop. It’s not clean, it’s not professional. But it gets the idea across on what I’m going after.


I want a flat tracker look. I also really like the look of Radical Ducati’s 9 1/2 build. I want to somehow merge the look between the two.


Doing this also brings up potential problems early, like probably need the subframe (bracket under the seat) to be cut and re-welded to a different angle and a custom tank. Or maybe I can find a tank that will work.

Little back story on the name Louvel for anyone who cares. From French origins, the name Louvel is “young wolf.” All my motorcycles have wolf names. That’s due to the nerd in me. Since this will be a small city riding/commuting moped (I’m thinking 50cc), a small young kiddish wolf seems appropriate.

Back to more serious things, I made a parts list in Google Spreadsheets with prices and links. I will get parts as more money becomes available to me. Stay tuned.

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